日本財団 図書館

Appncation for licence 69 68
How licence granted 70 69
Duration of licence 71 70
Renewal of certificate 72 71
Transfer of licensed craft 73 72
When holder of licence to cease use of craft 74 73
When licensed ctaft not to be used 75 74
Small craft to be numbered and registered 76 75
Persons in charge of small craft,other than a pleasure craft,to be competent 77 76
Restriction of small craft 78 77
Persons carried not to exceed authorised number 79 78
Charges levied in respect of small craft not to exceed prescribed charges 80 79
Life-saviug and fire-exlinguishing equipment to be provided 81 80
Contavention of restrictions or conditions affecting small craft 82 81
Compasses to be adjusted:Small craft,other than pleasure craft,proceeding
beyond harbour limits84 82
Small craft not to convey liqucr to ship's crew 85 83
Ferrymen to be licensed 87 84
Application for ferryman's licence 88 85
Ferrymen to wear badges 89 86
Ferrymen to comply with orders 90 87
Touting for ferries 91 88
Ferrymen to carry regulations and tarrif 92 89
Intending passengers for ferry 93 90
Feny-boats to have right to inside berth 94 91
Pilotage 95 92
Licensing of pilots 96 93
Cancenatioll or suspension of pilot's licence 97 94
Harbours where pilotage is not compulsory 98 95
Pilot flag 99 96
Pilot ladders and hoists 100 97
Trading licences 101 98
Tonnage for charges 102 99
Goods/cargo not to be delivered without customs authority 103 100
Submissiot, of harbour orders 104 101
Cancelline/amending orders 105 102
Bills of lading and customs documents106 103
Documents to be produced 107 104
Cleantng of cargo /good slgocds - late orders 108 105
When mass not available 109 106
Mass of certajn packages to be marked thereon 110 107
Incorrect mass or measurements 111 108
Marking of packages 112 109
Charges to be prepaidd or secured 113 110
Ledger accounts 114 110
Detivery of uncleared cargo/goods 115 112
PeriShable cargo/goods landed in bad order 117 113





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